What is ADHD

So, you think that you might have ADD/ADHD?

Those with ADHD are extremely capable and gifted in areas of interest yet face clear challenges with activities that don't engage such fast-moving brains.  Unfortunately, poor performance is often interpreted as laziness or lack of willpower. Lack of Willpower is not the Issue.  

  • Does your inner critic get the best of you?
  • Are decisions painfully difficult to make?
  • Do you have great ideas, and then lose interest?
  • Do you procrastinate, despite the consequences?
  • Are you frequently late for meetings and deadlines?
  • Do you feel like you have not lived up to your full potential?
  • Are you constantly looking for your keys, wallet, phone and glasses?
  • Do you work hard at being organized, but have little to show for results?
  • Do you struggle with low self-esteem based on past failures and rejection?
  • Have you started several amazing projects and moved on to the next before you finished the last?

If you have answered yes to many of these questions, it is quite possible that you do have ADD / ADHD. But don't despair.  You are in good company. You probably didn't know that many inventors and entrepreneurs excelled because of their intense focus, passion and innovation that accompanies ADHD.

ADHD is a paradox of incredible strengths and discouraging challenges. No two people experience it in exactly the same way.  That said, the challenges can become manageable with increased self-awareness, strategies that build upon your natural talents, and a network of support.

"For adults with ADHD who absolutely need external structure to function well,
coaches make a tremendous difference and provide a critical link for their road to success."
Sari Solden, M.S., LMFT and Author

So, what it ADD/ADHD anyway?

ADHD is a complex neurobiological condition. Research has found that individuals affected by ADHD have 
Executive Function   impairments due to a lack of dopamine and norepinephrine getting to the frontal cortex, the decision-making area of the brain. In other words, the brain is inefficient when it comes to:

  • Sustaining and shifting our attention.
  • Prioritizing, planning and organizing.
  • Storing and recalling information.
  • Modulating emotional responses.

Dr. Thomas Brown describes the executive functions as the:
" Conductors of your brain that remind you:
WHAT you are supposed to do WHEN you are supposed to do it."

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is the official label of this condition. It is divided into three subtypes. Contrary to popular belief, it's possible to have ADHD and not display hyperactivity. You will find in your research, and on this website that ADD and ADHD are used interchangeably.

Types of ADHD:

With predominantly inattentive ADHD:

  • You likely struggle with filtering out distractions or refocusing after being interrupted.
  • You have a surplus of ideas and are great at starting tasks, but not as successful at finishing them.
  • You work hard at being organized, but often have little to show in terms of results.
  • You frequently procrastinate, despite knowing the consequences.
  • You may have poor short-term memory.

With predominantly hyperactive ADHD:

  • You may be a toe tapper, a doodler, a leg “jiggler” and a “fidgeter.”
  • You are constantly on the move (physically and mentally) seeking out newness and change.
  • A continual bombardment of thoughts and ideas often distract you from focusing on what is happening around you, or the task at hand.  This feels like continuous chatter at times, that you can't turn off.
  • You may be a "verbal processor" and get caught up in conversational tangents.

Obviously, combined type ADHD is a combination of Inattentive and Hyperactive.

"Working with Sharon helped shift my mindset from one of deficiency to one of abundance. Her compassionate insight helped me to see the ways in which my strengths and challenges were related, and to learn to be gentler and forgiving with myself - while still striving to be the best version of myself that I can be. Self-doubt has been replaced with confidence, and I now have strategies to get things back on track if I'm feeling stuck or overwhelmed."

                                                                                                                            Phil, Columbus

With the support of a trained professional, coaching will provide you with the education and support that you need to recognize, appreciate and most importantly optimize your strengths.  Individuals can start to manage their deficits by exploring workarounds and implement strategies that encourage real life change. If you're committed to creating a more fulfilling and satisfying life, contact me today for a FREE CONSULTATION.

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