in Balance

Education and support for those with ADHD
And those who love people with ADHD

Are you an adult that has been recently diagnosed with ADHD?

Or maybe you were diagnosed as a younger person, but never acquired the skills that helped you navigate successfully.

Many people get through college working all night and hitting their deadline at the last possible moment. But life gets complicated, and those strategies start to fail with the demands of adulthood. 

That is where a good coach can support you in reaching goals that you have quite possibly given up on:

Increase self - awareness and understand your ADHD.
Navigate the challenges that keep you in a state of overwhelm.
Create structure and routines so that you actually feel accomplished by the end of the day.
Embrace a self-care practice and feel healthier.
Figure out those complicated relationships.

"Coaching, it turns out, is one of the most powerful and effective
ways for people with ADHD to achieve success."
Thomas Hartman, ADHD Specialist and Author

Working with a coach that specializes in ADHD, you can begin to:

  • Manage distractions.
  • Get organized.
  • Understand and utilize your strengths.
  • Improve time management.
  • Make wise decisions.
  • Eliminate shame and guilt.
  •  Achieve self-compassion.
  • Manage your anger and frustration.
  • Make lasting a richer, fuller, and more satisfying life.

"Coaching is wonderful for those with ADHD because it gets to all the
nitty, gritty stuff that medication does not address. "

Patricia Quinn, M.D. and Author

It's possible to create change for yourself, just by having the courage to take action with the support of a coach that thoroughly understands the challenges that you face.  I have over 5000 hours of coaching adults from all walks of life. My professional training is through the ADD Coach Academy. ADDCA is an ICF and PAAC certified coaching program dedicated exclusively to training ADHD coaches. 

Contact me today for a FREE CONSULTATION.



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